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What is a Software Development Life Cycle?


#Custom Software Development

Digital is penetrating all spheres of life; soon, it will be impossible to imagine a company without its website, program, application, or other software. Trading is also entering the digital world. Various programs that help traders trade stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets more effectively are increasing in demand. And companies that advice and support traders should consider launching their software.

But for everything to work as it should, it’s essential to follow all the development rules. In particular, you should consider such an important concept as the software development life cycle (SDLC) is necessary.

The SDLC is the stages that are included in the creation of any software, from the birth of the idea to its support after the release. It also includes the standards according to which any application or program should be developed. If you want to develop software for traders or any other business purposes, you should follow the accepted notions of SDLC.

What Does SDLC Consist of?

Development software companies know that the development life cycle includes:

1. Analysis and planning

It is crucial to have a clear plan to develop custom software. To create a plan, you should familiarize yourself with the idea, understand your expectations of the future software, and set a final goal. It is also critical to arrange a time frame in which the software should be developed.

Systematicism is crucial while developing any kind of software. Agile and Scrum are some of the best methodologies invented for teamwork on software products. They help organize the work, divide development into understandable and achievable stages, join the team and avoid unnecessary delays either for the customer or the team. So if you are going to hire a team to develop your future software, we recommend you first consider the contractors who work according to one of these methodologies.

2. Code writing

This phase includes development itself. Writing the code of the main elements, creating individual functions, and the overall functionality of the product are what developers will do during this phase. 

It is characterized by a relatively long duration and monotony of work for developers. But do not forget that software custom development’s time and complexity depend on the specific product. For example, a one-page website can be created relatively quickly, while complex software containing a whole set of features will take much longer to develop.

3. Testing

It is worth knowing that finding bugs is absolutely normal and even good. This is a critically important stage of the life cycle of software development because it is during the testing team finds flaws and can improve them. There is an opinion that if you didn’t find bugs during testing, your users would see them during work with your product. That is why it is better to find all possible bugs before they prevent your clients from interacting with the created software.

During testing, in addition to finding bugs, you also fix them. If your team works by Scrum and uses services like Jira, you can watch as tasks with individual pieces of code go from the “Development” column to the “Testing” column, then back to the previous column, and so on until the task can be dragged to the “Done” column.

4. Release

All of the previous steps in software development have led up to this moment: your software is released to the public. In addition, the road to release itself was long and not always easy. Going to a product is time-consuming. Launching the software, a website, or an application “into the world” may be necessary to involve DevOps. In addition, after the release, it is often possible to find additional bugs and take for revision some moments of the code, which could not be fully tested in a test environment. 


Is That All?

The four phases listed above are the main ones in the software development life cycle. However, this does not mean that the creation of a software product involves only them.

Extended SDLC models also often include:

1. Product Design.

Even though Scrum separates the delivery and discovery processes, they are still impossible without each other if we discuss creating a holistic software product. Delivery is the direct development and implementation of software, the creation of features, and the “body” of the product. At the same time, everything begins with the discovery team because they are the brain and creative center of the team working on the project.

This stage of developing a product comprises UI/UX design, thinking through the internal logic of the product, and writing texts for all sorts of components of the outer shell of the software. Plus, you’ll observe usability tests at this stage, as well as the collecting of input from clients of the product’s beta versions and future consumers. 

Discovery is critical because it allows us to create a product that is user-friendly, appealing in appearance, and as easy to use as possible.

2. Using

Some SDLC models consider the process of using the product as part of the development lifecycle. This is logical because, without the experience of actually using the software, it is difficult to determine whether it solves the tasks set before software development.

The problem of custom development software often lies in “author’s blindness.” Being constantly surrounded by your software, you cannot evaluate it soberly. And only by getting feedback from real users and looking at how they use your site or any other development product can you find the project’s weak points and fix them.

3. Post-release support

First, there are large-scale failures beyond your control — for example, the system’s collapse due to the server’s crash or DDOS attacks. Secondly, every software becomes outdated if it is not regularly updated and improved. Every program, site, application, and any other piece of software developed by developers need it.

Where to order the development of high-quality software?

Those interested in software development and agile, high-quality software creation for business should contact the company Magnise.

We have several advantages:

  • You will consult with our specialists before deciding to collaborate. You will be able to discuss the idea of your software and the development paths that our team considers suitable. And only after that will you decide whether you want to cooperate with us.
  • Our experience in creating several types of software, including software for algorithmic trading, is substantial. 
  • All our team members have been carefully selected and have a wealth of experience. We follow the development and design trends and use only the latest solutions so that our developed software doesn’t become outdated for a long time and can perform its task well.

You can talk about all this during the meeting with our specialist. We will gladly help you to create software for your company!


  • What Does SDLC Consist of?
  • Is That All?

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